Upper Extremities
Spiral mode for the combination of bone and soft tis-
sue studies, e.g. masses, trauma, disorders of the joint
For SOMATOM Emotion 16-slice configuration:
A range of 15 cm will be done in 12.42 sec.
For SOMATOM Emotion 6-slice configuration:
A range of 10 cm will be done in 13.11 sec.
Emotion 16 ExtrCombi 2nd reconstr.
kV 130
Effective mAs/
Quality ref. mAs
Rotation time 1.0 sec.
Acquisition 16 x 0.6 mm
Slice collimation 0.6 mm
Slice width 4.0 mm 1.0mm
Feed/Rotation 14.4 mm
Pitch Factor 1.50
Increment 4.0mm 0.7mm
Kernel B41s B70s
CTDIVol 6.25mGy
Effective dose Male: 0.02 mSv
Female: 0.02 mSv