Interventional CT - CARE VisionCARE Vision is a CT Fluoroscopic mode for interven-
tions with 1 or 3 combined slices and up to 10 images
per sec. displayed (depending on the hardware config-
The Basics
Any of the predefined CARE Vision scan protocols can
be appended to a spiral protocol for interventional pro-
cedures, such as biopsies, abscess drainage, pain ther-
apy, minimum invasive operations, joint studies, and
The raw data will not be available for image recon-
struction. In case of the FoV must be changed due to
movement, insert a control scan by clicking on the
chronicle with the right mouse button.
You can “Append” any routine protocol after the inter-
ventional procedure for a final check and documenta-
tion, for example, a short range of spiral scanning for
the biopsy region.
With gantry tilt 0° the table height can be adjusted to
minimum vertical position of 255 mm.
Automatic Patient Instruction (API) is not possible for
CARE Vision.
You can change the gantry tilt on the gantry panel
while the protocol is loaded.