Scan and Reconstruction
Neuro ModesIn addition to the standard collimations, the SOMA-
TOM Emotion 16-slice configuration provides a special
mode which is optimized for Neuro applications. Excel-
lent low contrast and detail resolution are achieved.
For spiral scans 4 x 0.6 acquisition mode is provided in
the range of the cerebrum. This approach shows a min-
imized partial volume effect, i.e. low level of artifacts
in the base of the skull or near vertebral bodies, as
0.6mm detector rows are used and the narrow colli-
mation reduces scattered radiation.
One scan protocol is predefined for adults:
– HeadNeuro using an acquisition 16 x 0.6 mm in the
base and an acquisition of 4 x 0.6 mm in the cere-
We recommend using this special protocol for dedi-
cated Neuro examinations.
For fast standard examinations such as rule out of
hemorrhage or ischemia, the "Routine" protocol should
be used.