Respiratory Gating
Reconstruction and Post processingFor respiratory gating a slice width of 3 mm and an
increment of 1.9 mm is used for image acquisition.
Two recon jobs are predefined:
• 20% Inspiration
•80% Expiration
If more Inspiration or Expiration phases are necessary
new recon jobs can be added.
After acquisition the 4D volume data set can be recon-
structed at different respiration levels to visualize the
tumor movement over the whole respiration cycle and
to display the anatomy in space (3D) and time (4D)
InSpace 4D as an approved 4D application minimizes
the time to
• choose the appropriate phase or
• 4D data visualization in multiple planes
• Creation of 4D movie loops.
For further information on InSpace 4D please refer to
the chapter InSpace 4D in the "Clinical Applications 2"
application guide.