Spiral mode for thorax CT Angio studies, e.g. visualiza-
tion of tumors, metastases, lymphoma, lymph nodes,
vascular anomalies etc.
Two recon jobs are predefined for reconstruction: the
first for axial, the second for double-oblique studies in
3D images display view.
The oblique view images will be reconstructed as MIP
For SOMATOM Emotion 16-slice configuration:
A range of 30 cm will be covered in 13.70sec.
For SOMATOM Emotion 6-slice configuration:
A range of 30 cm will be covered in 28.27sec.
Emotion 16 ThorAngio 2nd reconstr.
kV 110
Effective mAs/
Quality ref. mAs
Rotation time 0.6sec.
Acquisition 16 x 0.6 mm
Slice collimation 0.6mm
Slice width 5.0mm 3.0 mm
Feed/Rotation 14.4 mm
Pitch Factor 1.50
Increment 5.0 mm 3.0 mm
Kernel B31s B30s
CTDIVol 5.60mGy
Effective dose Male: 2.92 mSv
Female: 3.78 mSv