* If the examination performed requires a full urinary
bladder, wait at least 3 minutes following IV adminis-
tration of the contrast medium.
Emotion 6 Pelvis 2nd reconstr.
kV 130
Effective mAs/
Quality ref. mAs
Rotation Time 1 .0 sec.
Acquisition 6 x 2.0mm
Slice collimation 2.0 mm
Slice width 5.0 mm 5.0mm
Feed/Rotation 18.0 mm
Pitch Factor 1.50
Increment 5.0mm 5.0 mm
Kernel B41s B41s
CTDIVol 13.08mGy
Effective Dose Male: 5.13 mSv
Female: 8.76 mSv
Contrast medium IV injection
Start delay 50 sec.*
Flow rate 2.0 – 3.0ml/sec.
Total amount 100 – 120 ml