Workflow I nformation
Study ContinuationAn existing study can be continued at a later time.
To load an existing study:
• Select the desired study in the Patient Browser.
•Select Register from the Patient drop-down menu.
• The patient data is loaded in the Registration dialog
The previous scan protocol is already preselected, but
it is also possible to select any desired scan protocol.
After the patient has been registered, the patient is
loaded into the Examination card.
The ranges already scanned are listed. The following
chronicle entry is shown between the ranges already
scanned and the new ranges: Exam Continue
<Patient Position>.
If you want to continue a contrast media study, the sys-
tem asks you if the next scan should be continued as a
non-contrast scan instead.
• If you want to continue as a non-contrast scan, the
chronicle entries for the new scan range is indicated
as a non-contrast scan. (No injector symbol is
If you continue a study as a contrast study, the chroni-
cle entries of the new scan range are indicated as a
contrast scan. (An injector symbol is shown.)