Respiratory Gating
The respiratory gating hardware (AZ-733V) is com-
posed of a:
• Respiratory Sensor (RS) to detect patient's abdomi-
nal motions (pressure changes) to get a patient's res-
piratory information,
• Sensor Port (SP) to amplify and to transmit analog
signals from RS,
• Wave Deck (WD) to receive the respiratory signal
from the said SP and to convert them to a digital sig-
nal to be sent to the host computer (PC) of the CT
The respiration curve as well as scan and reconstruc-
tion parameters are displayed on the CT user interface
and embedded into the examination workflow.
The respiration curve will be displayed before and dur-
ing spiral acquisition and saved in the respiration file.
After scanning the user can select the respiration level
(in [%]) of inspiration or expiration for reconstruction.
A synthetic sync signal and a respiration curve editing
functionality are available.
Regarding an imaging device such as SOMATOM
Emotion6/16-slice configuration the respirator y gat-
ing functionality offers an increase of image resolution
and reproducibility as well as a decrease of motion
artefacts by image reconstructions based on respira-
tory information both needed for high-precision radia-
tion therapy planning and treatment as well.
The mentioned increase of RT accuracy results in a
decrease of RT side effects by minimizing excessive
irradiation dose to healthy tissue.