Dose Information
Activating and DeactivatingCARE Dose 4D may be activated or deactivated for the
current scan in the Scan tab card. If CARE Dose 4D is
activated as default, the Image Quality Reference
mAs value is set to the default value of the protocol.
After deactivating CARE Dose 4D, the Image Quality
Reference mAs is dimmed and the (eff.) mAs value
has to be adjusted to the individual patient’s size! If
CARE Dose 4 D is switc hed on aga in, the I mage Qual ity
Reference mAs is reactivated. Note that the last setting
of the Image Quality Reference mAs or the (eff.) mAs
will be restored when you switch from and back to
CARE Dose 4D usage. The default activation state of
CARE Dose 4D may be set in the Scan Protocol Man-
ager. CARE Dose 4D must be selected (column CARE
Dose type). The corresponding column for activating
CARE Dose 4D is called CARE Dose (4D), with possible
default on or off.
Conversion of Old Protocols into Proto-cols with CARE Dose 4DProtocols of SW versions VA70, VA47 and VA45 may be
converted to CARE Dose 4D in the Scan Protocol Man-
Prior to activating CARE Dose 4D an Image Quality Ref-
erence mAs value has to be set in the corresponding