• CARE Bolus may be used to optimize the bolus tim-
• Set the ROI for monitoring scan in the abdominal
aorta with triggering threshold of 120 HU, or use
manual triggering.
• Do not administer oral contrast medium, as this
impairs the editing of MIP/SSD/VRT images.
• Use water as oral contrast.
• The length of the CM spiral in the topogram (via the
table position) can be planned exactly by means of
pre-contrast images.
• Precontrast images are used to visualize calcifica-
• Excellent postprocessed images can be created using
a thin slice thickness and overlapping images, i.e.
the increment should be smaller than the slice thick-
Contrast medium IV injection
Start delay 20 – 25sec.
Flow rate 3.0 – 3.5 ml/sec.
Total amount 100 – 120ml