Radiation Therapy
Radiation Therapy Planning
The SOMATOM Emotion 16/6-slice configuration are
very well suited to Radiation Therapy Planning (RTP)
with its ergonomic enlarged gantry opening and its
scan plane located only 35cm from the gantry front.
Using the external laser markers and the connected
workstations, the system provides the complete proce-
dure of Virtual Simulation in RTP much faster and more
easily. The patient can leave the department after only
a few minutes of CT scanning. The SOMATOM Emotion
16/6-slice configuaration table supports all kinds of
patient positioning, immobilization and verification
accessories, ensuring the same patient position as on
the LINAC table (for example, RT table tops, Beekleys,
masks, IR cameras, new laser guidance system).
If non-diagnostic CT examinations have to be per-
formed, dedicated low dose protocols for virtual simu-
lation are provided.
Because external simulation SW might not be able to
handle complete spiral data sets, sequence scans are
available as well.
The treatment planning can be performed later, maybe
when the patient is no longer present. Applications for
virtual simulation are available on the COHERENCE
Dosimetrist or the syngo Multi Modality Workplace,
from where the results can be sent to the LINAC for
patient treatment.
Radiation Therapy