Dose Information
ImpactDoseFor most of the scan protocols, the effective dose num-
bers for standard male* and female* are calculated,
and listed the result in the description of each scan pro-
The calculation was performed using the commercially
available program "ImpactDose" (Wellhoefer Dosime-
For pediatric protocols, the ImpactDose calculation
and the correction factors published in "Radiation
Exposure in Computed Tomography"** are used.
These only include conversion factors for ages 8 weeks
and 7 years.
*The Calculation of Dose from External Photon Expo-
sures Using Reference Human Phantoms and Monte
Carlo Methods. M. Zankl et al. GSF report 30/91
**Radiation Exposure in Computed Tomography,
edited by Hans Dieter Nagel, published by COCIR c/o
ZVEI, Stresemannallee 19, D-60596, Frankfurt, Ger-