Workflow I nformation
Step 1 - What do you want to do?
Four different operation types are possible:
• Manipulate Scan protocols (cut, copy, paste and
• Change parameters
• Import scan protocols from SOMATOM LifeNet/CD
• Restore protocols to Siemens default
Additional important information
• Each workflow consists of up to five steps, indicated
by the footprints.
• Depending on the workflow step you can list all scan
protocols or all selected scan protocols. The
<Export> button exports the listed scan protocols in
MS Excel recognizable format.
The export file is always created in H:\SiteData\proto-
cols folder. The folder selection cannot be changed.
• The section "Change Parameters" is preselected as
• Depending on the selected workflow in Step 1, the
Scan protocol Assistant leads you through the cor-
responding steps.
• From Step 3 an <Undo> and <Redo> button are
added. Both buttons only affect the last operation.
• You can navigate through the selected workflow via
the footprints or with the "Back" and "Next" buttons.
With the "Quit" Button you can leave the Scan Proto-
col Assistant at any time without any changes