Workflow I nformation
Non-square Matrix for 3D ReconIf you perfrom a 3D reconstruction of your spiral scan
you have the possibility to choose between three dif-
ferent FoV matrices: 512 square, 512 non-square, 256
non-square. In some cases it is already saved to the
scan protocol (Spine, CarotidAngio) set up a new scan
protocol or want to modify an existing one you can
save the non-square matrix together with the recon
• 512 square: the FoV stays quadratic with a 512x512
matrix size.
• 512 non-square: the FoV can be adjusted as a rectan-
gle to your needs, for example spine reconstruction.
Its max. side ratio is 1:4.
• 256 non-square: the FoV can be adjusted as a rectan-
gle to your needs but with a lower matrix size and a
lower resolution for example RunOff , Cardiac recon-
structions. The maximum side ratio is then 1:8.
If you use the non-square matrix and you extend the
side length of your FoV more then the max. ratio then
the shorter side will be stretched to fit into the ratio
You will find the FoV displayed in the image text for the
non-square matrix. It will be displayed like this: FoV X
x FoV Y.