Trau ma P rotoc olsIn any trauma situation, time means life and the qual-
ity of life for the survivor.
General Information
• Check that the emergency drug trolley is well
stocked and that all accessories such as in-room oxy-
gen supply, respirator and resuscitation equipment
that may be required during the examination are in
working order.
• Prepare the CT room before admitting the patient,
e.g., load IV contrast into the injector.
• Know, observe and practice the standard hospital
operating policy for handling a patient in distress
e.g. Code Blue for cardiac and respiratory arrest.
• Any possible injuries to the spinal column should be
determined before beginning the examination and
taken into account when shifting and positioning
the patient.
• Ensure that all vital lines e.g., IV tubing and oxygen
tubing are not trapped under the patient or between
the table and the cradle. Make allowance for the
length of tubing required for the topogram scan
• Never leave patients unattended at any time during
the procedure.
• Observe the vital signs e.g. ECG, respiration, etc. at
all times during the procedure.
• Finish the examination in the shortest possible time.