Workflow I nformation
Auto Load in 3D and Postprocessing PresetsYou can activate the Auto load in 3D function on the
Examination task card/Auto Tasking and link it to a
recon job, for example, the 2nd recon job with thinner
slice width in some of the examination protocols. If the
post-processing type is chosen from the pull-down
menu, the reconstructed images will be loaded auto-
matically into the 3D task card on the syngo Acquisi-
tion Workplace with the corresponding post-process-
ing type.
On the 3D task card you can create parallel and radial
ranges for Multi-Planar-Reconstruction (MPR) and Thin
Maximum-Intensity-Projection (MIP Thin), which can
be linked to a special series.
For example, if you always perform sagittal MPRs for a
spine examination, as soon as you load a spine exami-
nation into the 3D task card, select the image type
(MPR), orientation, and open the Range Parallel func-
tion. Adapt the range settings (image thickness, dis-
tance between the images etc.) and click the link but-
ton and save your settings. You now have a predefined
post-processing protocol linked to the series descrip-
tion of a spine examination.