OsteoThis is the scan protocol for the syngo Osteo CT appli-
cation package to assist the physician with the quanti-
tative assessment of vertebral bone mineral density
(BMD) in the diagnosis and follow-up of osteopenia
and osteoporosis.
Emotion 16 Osteo
kV 80
Effective mAs/
Quality ref. mAs
Rotation time 1.0sec.
Acquisition 2 x 5.0 mm
Slice collimation 5.0mm
Slice width 10.0 mm
Feed/Scan 0.0 mm
Kernel S80s
CTDIVol 5.72mGy
Effective dose Male: 0.48mSv
Female: 0.71 mSv
Emotion 6 Osteo
kV 80
Effective mAs/
Quality ref. mAs
Rotation time 1.0sec.
Acquisition 2 x 5.0 mm
Slice collimation 5.0mm
Slice width 10.0 mm
Feed/Scan 0.0 mm
Kernel S80s
CTDIVol 5.50mGy
Effective dose Male: 0.21mSv
Female: 0.49 mSv