Scan and Reconstruction
KernelsThere are 4 different types of kernels: “H“ stands for
Head, “B“ stands for Body, “C“ stands for ChildHead and
”S” stands for Special Application, e.g. syngo Osteo CT.
The image sharpness is defined by the numbers – the
higher the number, the sharper the image; the lower
the number, the smoother the image.
Head Kernels:
Kernel description
H10s very smooth
H19s very smooth
H20s smooth
H21s smooth +
H22s smooth FR +
H29s smooth +
H30s medium smooth
H31s medium smooth +
H32s medium smooth FR +
H37s medium smooth (Emotion 16-slice
configuration only)
H39s medium smooth
H40s medium
H41s medium +
H42s medium FR
H45s medium
H47s medium smooth (Emotion 16-slice
configuration only)
H48s medium smooth (Emotion 16-slice
configuration only)
H50s sharp
H60s medium
H70s very sharp
H80s inner ear
H90s inner ear