whiteboard system
SMARTBoard800i5 interactive whiteboardsys tem features 2
SMARTBoard800series interactive whiteboard 2
SMARTUF75or SMARTUF75w projector 3
ExtendedControl Panel(ECP) 4
Includedaccessories 4
Remotecontrol 4
Pens 4
Eraser 5
VGAconnection kit 5
SMARTBoard800i5 interactive whiteboardsys tem accessories 5
RCA connectorpod 5
SMARTBoard800i5-SMP interactive whiteboardsyst emacc essories 5
SMARTGoWire™auto-launchcable 5
CAT 5 USB extender 6
Optionalaccessories 6
YourSMARTBoard800i5interactivew hiteboardsystem combines the following components:
lSMARTBoard800series interactive whiteboard
lWall-mounted,short-throwSMARTUF75 or SMARTUF75w projector
lAccessoriesand optional equipment
Thischapter describes the featuresof y ourinteractive whiteboard andprovides informationabout
productparts andacc essories.
Chapter 1