2. Connecta VGA cable from the laptopc omputerto the VGA connection kit.
Connectan HDMI c ablefrom the laptop computert o theprojector.
3. Pressthe Input button on the ECP or remote controlto s witch input sources to the laptop
gTo connecta DVD/B lu-rayplayer or similar device
1. Ify ouhave speakers installed, turn the volumedial on the ECP all the way down to prevent
buzzingor sparking.
2. Connectyour peripheraldevice’s input cables to the receptacleson the projector ort o the
optionalRCA connector pod.
3. Pressthe Input button on the ECP or remote controlto s witch input sources to the peripheral
4. Restorethe volume on the ECP’s volume dial.
CH A P T E R 4
Integratingother de vices