Thissect ionprovides detailed instructions for replacingthe projectorlamp module.
Removingand replacingthe projectorlamp m odule
Eventuallythe lamp will dim and a message will appearremindingy out o replaceit. Make sure you
havea replacementlamp module beforeproceedingwith the following instructions.
lSeesmarttech.com/compliance for the projector’sMSDS documents.
lReplacethe lamp modulewhen the projector displays its lamp life warning message.I f you
continueto use the projectorafter this messageappears, the lampc ans hatteror burst,
scatteringglass throughoutthe projector.
lIf the lamps hattersor bursts, leave and then ventilate the area.
Next dot hef ollowing:
oAvoidtouching the glass fragments becausethey can cause injury.
oWashyour hands thoroughlyif y ouhave come into contact wit h lampdebris.
oThoroughlycleanthe area aroundthe projector,and discard any edibleitems placedin
thatarea becauset hey couldbe contaminated.
oCally ourauthorizedS MART resellerfor instructions. D o not attempt to replacethe
lReplacingthe lamp modulein a wall-mountedprojector can result in a fall or injury. Use
cautionwhen climbing a ladder,and considerremoving the projectorfrom the wall-mounting
bracketto replace the lampmodule.
lUncoveringthe lamp while the projectoris mounted on the wall-mountingbracket can leadt o
productdamageor personalinjury fromf allingpieces of glass if thelamp is broken.
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactivew hiteboard system