Webpage management 61
Accessingw ebpage management 61
Home 62
Controlpanel 62
Controlpanel II 65
3Dsett ings 65
USB Controlsettings 66
Networks ettings 66
E-mailalerts 68
Passwordsettings 68
SimpleNetwork ManagementProtocol (SNMP) 69
Thisappendix includesdetailed instructions on how to remotely manageyour SMARTBoard800i5
interactivewhiteboards ystem settingst hrougha networkinterface.
Web page management
Youcan access advanced setup features via the projector’sweb page. This web pageenables you to
managetheprojector from a remotelocation using any computer connectedto y ourintranet.
Toaccess the web page,your browsermust support JavaScript. Most commonlyused browsers
likeInternetExplorer®and Firefox® support JavaScript.
Accessingweb pagemanagement
Beforeyou can access the web page, you must connect the network cable to yourprojector (see the
Projectorconnectiondiagram on page 22)and enablethe Network and VGA Out setting (see
Adjustingprojector settings on page14). When you first c onnectyour projector to a network, an IP
addressappearson the on-screendisplay.
Appendix A