Setting Use Notes
AspectR atio Adjusts theimage output to
Thedefault is Fill Screen.
FillScreenproduces an imagethat
fills the entiresc reenby stretching and
scalingthe source video to match the
projector’snative resolutionand aspect
MatchInputdisplays the source video
inits native resolutionand aspect ratio.
As a result, unusedspace could appear
alongthe top andbottom edges of the
screen(letterbox format)or along the
leftand right edges of the screen
16:9displays the source videoin 16:9
aspectratio. As a result, unusedspace
appearsalongthe top and bottom
edgesof the screen. This is
recommendedforuse with H DTV and
DVD/Blu-raydiscs enhancedfor
SeeVideo format compatibility on
page29 for descriptionsof each mode.
StartupScreen Selectst het ype of startup screen
(SMART,CaptureUser Startup
Screenor Preview StartupScreen).
Thissc reendisplays when the
projectorlampis starting anda vi deo
sourcesignal isn’t displayed.
SMART displays the defaultSMAR T
logoon a bluebackground.
CaptureUser Startup Screen closes
theon-screendisplay menu and
capturesthe entire projectedimage.
Thecapturedimage is displayed the
nexttime t heon-screen display opens.
(Thecapturec ant akeup to one
minute,dependingon the complexity of
PreviewStartup Screen enablesyou
topreview the default or captured
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system