SMARTBoard800i5 interactive whiteboardsystem features
YourSMARTBoard800i5interactivew hiteboard
system uses the short-throw,high-offset
SMARTUF75or SMARTUF75w projector.The throw
distanceof the SMARTUF75 or SMARTUF75w
projectorsis half that of the SMARTUF65 projector,
resultingin a shorterboom and reducedshadows on
theprojected image.
Whenthe projectordisplays animage from your
computeron the touch-sensitiveinteractive
whiteboard,you can doeverything that you can do at
yourcomputer—openandc lose applications,s croll
throughfiles, conferencewit h others,c reatenew
documentsor edit existing ones, visit w ebsites, play
videoclips and more—byt ouchingthe screen. Two users can also draw on the interactives urfaceat
thesame time, and you can use an arrayof gestures within applications.
Thisprojector also supportsv ideoand audio connectionsfrom a variety of devices, including
DVD/Blu-ray™players, VCRs , documentc amerasand digital cameras, andcan project media from
thesesources onto the interactive screen.
Whenyou use SMART soft warewit h yourSMAR TBoard800i5interactivewhiteboardsys tem, you
canwrite or draw over the projectedcomputer imagein digital ink using a pen tray pen ory ourfinger,
andthen save these notes to a .notebookfile or directly into any Ink Awareapplication.

SMARTBoard 800 seriesinteractive whiteboard

YourSMARTBoard800 series interactive whiteboard,featuring SMART’s proprietaryD ViT®
(DigitalVisionTouch)technology,is the most intuitive touch-sensitive front projectioninteractive
whiteboardin the world.
TheSMARTBoard800 series interactive whiteboardperforms best with the SMART U F75or
SMART UF75w projectorbecause of its exceptional color performanceandinput response.
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour interactive whiteboard system