4. Optionally,reset the projectoras described in Resetting the projector on page58 to adjust the
frequencyandt rackingto theiroriginal values.
Thisaction resets all values to t heirdefaults.
Frozen image
If yourprojector has a frozen image,perform the following procedure.
gTo resolvea frozen image
1. Ensurethat the Hide Display feature is off.
2. Pressthe Hide button on the projector’s remotecontrol to hide or show the display.
3. Ensurethat your sourcedevice, such as your DVD player or computer,isn’t malfunctioning.
4. Putthe projector into Standbymode, and then wait 30 minutes for it to cool down.
5. Disconnectthe power cable from the poweroutlet, and then wait at least 60 seconds.
6. Connectthe power cable, andthen turn on the projector.
7. Ift heprevious steps don’t resolve the issue, contact your authorizedSMAR T reseller.
Your image doesn’tfit the interactive whiteboard
If you’reusing a SMARTUF75w projector with a wide screen interactivew hiteboard,verify that
you’reusing the correct aspect ratiomode for the interactive whiteboard:
Interactivewhiteboard Aspect ratio mode
SMARTBoard885interactive whiteboard 16:10
Youcan set the aspect ratio mode using the Native DLP Resolution setting in the ProjectorFunctions
menu(see Adjusting projectorsettings onpage 14).
Thei magefrom your connected laptop computerisn’t projected
Laptopcomputersettings c aninterfere with projector operations.
Somelaptop computersdeactivate their screens when you connect a secondarydisplay device.
Referto your computer’smanual fordetails on reactivatingthe computer's displays creen.
Unaligned projectedimage
Alignmenterrorsoccur when the projected imageisn’t perpendicularto the sc reen.Alignment errors
canoccur when you mount yourinteractive whiteboard system on an unevensurface or a wall that
hasobstructions, or if you sw ivel the projectortoo far from the vertical center of your interactive
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system