Securing your interactive whiteboard system
Thissect ionexplains how to secure the different componentsof y ourinteractive whiteboard system.
Lockingthe pen trayto your interactivewhiteboard
Tolearn how to lock the pen tray to your interactive whiteboard,see the SMARTBoard800 series
interactivewhiteboarduser’s guide (
Securingthe projectorto the boom
Tolearn how to secure the SMARTUF75or SMARTUF75w projector to the boom,s eethe included
SMARTBoard880i5and 885i5interactive whiteboard system installation guide
( or885i5-SMP interactive whiteboard
system installationguide (
Routing the cablesWhenconnecting cables from yourSMAR TUF75projector to your interactivew hiteboardsystem,
makesure that all cables pass along the top of the interactive whiteboardwall-mountingbracket and
thendown the side of the interactive whiteboard.
Whenconnecting cables from a SMARTUF75w projectorto the interactive whiteboard,make sure
thatall cables pass between the two interactive whiteboardw all-mountingbrackets. Space your wall-
mountingbrackets 4" (10.2c m) apartto provide full support for the weightof yourinteractive
Cablerouting for SMARTBoard880
Cablerouting for SMARTBoard885
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyourinter activewhiteboard system