Setting Use Notes
DHCP Displaysthe status of thenetwork’s
DynamicH ost ConfigurationProtocol
(DHCP) as On orOff.
Thedefault is on.
Onenables a DHCP server on the
networkto automatically assign an IP
addressto the projector.
Offenablesan administrator to assign
anIP address manually.
E-mailsthe network password to the
SeeWeb page managementon page
61to set up a destination e-mail
IP Address Displaysthe projector’s currentIP
addressin values between0.0.0.0 and
Tochange the projector’sIP address,
usethe RS-232 connector(see
Networkc ontrols onpage 80) oruse a
DHCP server to assign a dynamic IP
address,and thens et a static IP
addressusing thenetwork remote
managementfeature(see Remotely
managingyoursys tem througha
networkinterface on page 61).
SubnetMask D isplays the projector’ssubnet mask
numberin values between0.0.0.0 and
Gateway Dis plays the projector’sdefault
networkgateway in values between
DNS Displays the projector’sprimary
domainnamenumber in values
between0.0.0.0 and255.255.255.255.
MAC Address D isplays theprojector’s MAC address
inxx-xx -xx-xx-xx-xx format.
GroupName Displaystheprojector’s workgroup
nameas set by anadministrator
(maximum12 characters).
Youcan set the projector’s workgroup
nameusing the remotemanagement
features(see Remotely managingyour
system througha network interface on
page61 andRemotely managingy our
system throughan RS-232 serial
interface onpage71).
ProjectorName Displays t heprojector’s name as set
byan administrator (maximum12
Youcan set the projector’s name using
theremote managementfeatures (see
Remotelymanagingy oursy stem
througha networkinterface on page61
andRemotely managingyour system
throughanR S-232serial interface on
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system