Using the remotecontrol buttons
Theprojectorremote control enablesyou to acc ess on-screenmenus and changeprojector settings.
Uset hePower button on the remotecontrol or ECP to put t heprojector into Standby modeor to
turnit on. You can also use the Input button on the remotecontrol or ECP to sw itch sources on the
Number Function Description
1 Input Selecta vi deoand audioinput source.
2 Menu Showor hide the projectormenus.
3 (Left), (Right),
(Up)and (Down) arrows
Changethe menuselections and adjustments.
4 Hide Freeze, hideor display the image:
lPressonce to freeze the image.
Forexample, you can display a questionon
thescreen while you check your e-mail.
lPressagain to hide the image,t hat is, to
displaya black sc reen.
lPressagain to returnt o the live image.
5 Mode Select a display mode.
6 Mute Muteaudio amplification.
7(Power) Turnonthe projector orput it into Standby mode.
8 (Enter) Acceptthe selected mode oroption.
9 (VolumeUp) Increase audioamplification volume.
10 (VolumeD own) Decreaseaudio amplificationvolume.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system