Thischapter provides basic troubleshootinginformationfor your interactive whiteboardsyst em.
Forissues not covered in this chapter, consult the SMARTSupportwebsite (smarttech.com/support)
orcontact your authorizedSMAR T reseller(smarttech.com/where).
Before you startBeforeyou troubleshootyour interactive whiteboardsys tem orc ontact yourauthorized SMART
reselleror SMARTSupportfor assistance, you need to do the following:
lLocateyour interactive whiteboardsyst em’s status lights
lLocateyour interactive whiteboardsyst em’s serialnumbers
Locatingstatus lights
Youinteractive whiteboardsy stem consists of s everalcomponents, which have their own status
lYourinteractive whiteboard’sReady light is locatedon the pen tray.
lYourprojector’s Power( )and Service ( ) lights arelocated on the bottom of the projector.
lTheECP’s Power button(see Using the Extended ControlPanel (ECP) onpage 24) also
functionsas a s tatus light.
Locatingserial numbers
TheSMARTBoard800 series interactive whiteboardserial numberis located onthe lower-right edge
ofyour interactive whiteboard’sf rame.For more information,see the SMARTBoard 800s eries
interactivewhiteboarduser’s guide (smarttech.com/kb/144817).
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system