lConfirmthat the ECP cableharness’s DB9M RS-232 connector is properlyconnected to the
Controlconnector on the projector.
lConfirmthat the USB cable,w hich is located on the undersideof the pent ray, is properly
connectedfrom the interactive whiteboardto the ECP.
lConfirmthat the USB cableis properlyconnected froma f ully functional USB receptacleon the
computerto the correct USB receptacle on the ECP.
lConfirmthat the projector’s on-screenmenu optionfor the USB receptacleis set to the correct
lIf necessary, completeadditional troubleshootingon anydevices betweenthe USB connection
fromthe computer to the interactive whiteboardsystem, i ncludingany USB hubs and
oIf you’reusing the CAT 5 US B extender,see Troubleshootingtips for the CAT 5 USB
extenderfor SMARTBoard800 series interactive whiteboards
oComputersconnected to the ECP overridecomputers connected to the CAT 5 USB
extender.If you connect two computers to the ECP, any computerconnected to the
CAT 5 USB extenderdoesn’t have a data connectionto t heinteractive whiteboard.
Resolvingcontrollermodule issues
If the controllermodule takes longerthan 10 seconds to start up, disconnect the interactive
whiteboard’spowercable, wait 10s econds,and then reconnect it.
If the issue persists, updatet hef irmwareas documented in the SMARTBoard800 series interactive
whiteboarduser’sguide (
If the Ready light indicatest hat a firmwareupdate is in progressbut no update is actually taking
place,disconnect the interactivewhiteboard’s powercable, wait a few seconds, andthen reconnect
Resolving projector issuesResolvingprojectorerrors
System administratorscan resolve the following projectorerrors ont heirown prior to contacting
SMARTSupport.Performinginitial troubleshootingon your projectorwill reducethe time of a support
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system