Otherfeatures of your interactivew hiteboardinclude:
lAmodular pent ray that automaticallydetects
whenyou pick up a pen tray pen ort heeraser
lPentray buttons that activate the pens’ colors
andthe on-screenkeyboard, right-click,
OrientationandHelp functions
lAdurable hard-coatedsurfacet hat is optimized
forprojection andeasily c leaned
lAs ecurity cablelock featurethat enables you to
locky ourinteractive whiteboard to helpsafeguard it from theft
Formore informationabout your SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboard,see the SMARTBoard 800
seriesinteractive whiteboarduser’s guide (smarttech.com/kb/144817).
SMARTUF75 or SMARTUF75wprojectorTheSMARTUF75 or SMARTUF75w projectorsyst em includesa s hort-
throwprojector for use with SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboards anda
sturdysupport system suitable for many different environments.
Otherfeatures of your projectorsystem include:
lAw all-mounted,high-offset projectorenginethat uses DLP® technologyby
TexasInstruments™,providingBrilliantColor™ performanceandGamma 2.2 correctionw ith
SMART Presentation,Bright Room,D arkRoom, sRGB and User modes
lPAL,PA L-N, PAL-M, SECAM, NTSC, andN TSC 4.43 videos ystem compatibility
lHDMI, Composite, S-video, andVES A® RGB video inputs with additionalinterface support for
ComponentYPbPr andComponentYC bCrinputs with the properadapters(not included)
lWXGA, QVGA,VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, SXGA+ and UXGA video formatcompatibility
lNative1024 × 768 resolution(SMARTUF75 projector)
Native1280 × 800 resolution(SMARTUF75w projector in 16:10aspect ratio mode)
Native1280 × 720 resolution(SMARTUF75w projector in 16:9aspect ratio mode)
lRemotemanagementvia a serial RS-232 interface, web pageor SNMP
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour interactive whiteboard system