Connecting peripheral sources and outputs
Followthese instructions if y ouhave a peripheraldevice to connect to your interactive whiteboard
lMeasurethe distance betweenthe projector andthe peripheraldevice you want to connect.
Makesure each cable is long enough,has plenty of slack and can be placeds afely in your
roomwithout presentinga trip hazard.
lDonot disconnect cables from the ECP t o connectperipheraldevices because you could
disconnectcontrols for your interactive whiteboard.
lDon’tconnect SBA-L projection audiosys tem speakerst o the RCA connector pod.C onnect
thesespeakers to the projectorc onnectionpanel usinga dual-channel(left and right) RCA
plug-to-3.5mmphone connector(included with the speakers).
lThecomposite video connectorand associated dual channelaudio inputs onthe projector
andoptionalR CA connectorpod arefor inputonly. These RCA jacks don’t providean output
gTo connecta laptop to a SMARTBoard800i5 interactivewhiteboard system
1. Connecta USB c ablefrom the laptop computerto t heEC P.
2. Connecta VGA cable from the laptopc omputerto the VGA connection kit.
Connectan HDMI c ablefrom the laptop computert o theprojector.
3. Pressthe Input button on the ECP or remote controlto s witch input sources to the laptop
gTo connecta laptop to a SMARTBoard800i5-SMP interactivewhiteboard system
1. Connectthe laptop computerto the SMARTGoWire cable, andt henconnect the
SMARTGoWirecable to the CAT 5 USB ext ender.
Connectthe laptop computerdirectly t o theC AT 5 USB extender.
CH A P T E R 4
Integratingother de vices