bestpresentation alignment,mount your interactive whiteboardsystem in a location that’s c entralto
youraudience’s viewing direction.
Formobile or adjustableinstallation options, contact your authorizedSMART reseller.
lReferto your interactive whiteboardsy stem’s specifications (availableat
smarttech.com/support)for its weight. Check your local building codes to ensurethat your
wallc ansupport this weight, and use appropriatemountinghardwaref oryour wall ty pe.
lIf you areinstalling the interactive whiteboardsys tem on drywall, use all the includedtoggle
bolts.I f one of the bracketholes aligns with a w all stud, use appropriatehardwarein that hole
insteadof a toggle bolt.
lWhenmounting theprojector boom ona f ramedor hollow wall, attach both the mounting
bracketand the safety tether to a stud to safely s upportthe projector’s weight. If you use only
drywallanchors, the drywall can fail, resulting in possible personalinjury, and damageto the
productwhich may not be coveredby yourw arranty.
If you’rereplacing a SMARTBoard500 or 600series interactive whiteboardw ith the SMARTBoard
800series interactive whiteboardon drywall, you must remove the wall-mountbracket and mounting
hardware,andthen install all the mounting hardwareandbrackets s uppliedwith your SMARTBoard
800series interactive whiteboardinstead.
Tohelp ensurethat y ourinteractive whiteboardis mountedcorrectly, make sure the colors of the wall-
mounthangeron the back of the interactive whiteboardand the wall-mount bracketare the same.
Choosing a heightSMART includesa mounting template with each interactivew hiteboardsystem. I f you lose this
template,contact your authorizedSMAR T reseller.Us ingt his templateensures that you can do the
lMountthe projectorat as afe heightfor head space clearance,while maintaining enoughspace
forairflow and installation access above the unit.
lPositionthe projector at the correct heightabove your interactive whiteboardto align the
projectedimagewit h the touchs creen.
Dimensionson the template recommenda distance from the floors uitablefor adults of average
height.You should considerthe generalheight of your user community when you choosea position
foryour interactive whiteboard.
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyourinter activewhiteboard system