Your projectorstops responding
If yourprojector stops responding,perform the followingprocedure.
gTo restartan unresponsiveprojector
1. Putthe projector into Standbymode, and then wait 30 minutes for it to cool down.
2. Disconnectthe power cable from the poweroutlet, and then wait at least 60 seconds.
3. Connectthe power cable, andthen turn on the projector.
The“ ProjectorOverheated”,“ FanFailure” or “Color Wheel Failure” messageappears
If the “ProjectorOverheated”,“Fan Failure”or “Color WheelFailure” message appearsand the
projectorstops projectingan image, one of the following issues is occurring:
lTheprojectoris overheatinginternally becauseof blocked air vents or an internaltemperature
over131°F (55°C).
lThetemperatureoutside the projectoris too high.
lOneof the fans has failed.
lTheprojectorhas a c olorwheel issue.
gTo resolvethe “ProjectorOverheated”, “Fan Failure”or “Col orWheel Failure” error
1. Putthe projector into Standbymode, and then wait 30 minutes for it to cool down.
2. Ify ourroom is hot, lower the temperatureif possible.
3. Ensurethat nothingis blockingt heprojector’s air intake and exhaust.
4. Disconnectthe power cable from the poweroutlet, and then wait at least 60 seconds.
5. Connectthe power cable, andthen turn on the projector.
6. Adjustthe fan speed using the service menu.
7. Ift heprevious steps don’t resolve the issue, put the projectorinto St andbymode, disconnect
thepower cable, andt hencontact y ourauthorized SMART reseller.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system