Resolvingnetworkcommunication issues
If you don’thave network access, performthe following procedureto troubleshootyour syst em.
gTo resolvenetwork communication issues
1. Ensurethat your network cableis properlyconnected to the RJ45 connectionon the projector’s
2. Ensurethat the LAN warning light onthe projector is green. Toact ivate the projector’snetwork
features,use the “vgaoutnetenable=on”RS-232command(see Projector programming
commandson page 73)or enable the Network and VGA Out setting (see Adjusting projector
settings onpage14). The network features on theprojector don’t work until you complete one
ofthese tasks .
3. Pressthe Menu button, andt henselect theN etworkSettings menu to check the IP address.
SeeAdjusting projectors ettings on page14 for a description of the IP address field. Enter this
IP addressinto your browser orSN MP agent.
4. Ify ous till don’t have networkacc ess, contact your network administrator.I f your administrator
is unableto resolve the issue, contact your authorizedSMAR T reseller.
Resolving ECP issuesIf the ECP isn’t receiving power, completet hefollowing tasks :
lConfirmthat the ECP cableharness’s 11-pinc onnectoris properly connectedto t heEC P.
lConfirmthat the ECP cableharness’s 7-pin min-DIN connectoris properlyconnected to the
ECP connectoron the projector.
Accessing the service menuCC A U T I O N
lToprevent tamperingor unintentionalchanges, only system administrators shouldacc ess
theservice menu. Do not share the service menuacc ess code with casual users of your
interactivewhiteboards ystem.
lDonot adjust any settings in t hes ervicemenu other than thoseli sted in this guide. Changing
othersettings can damageor affect t heoperation of your projectorand may invalidatey our
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system