Uset heinst ructionsin t heincluded SMARTBoard880i5 or 885i5interactive whiteboards ystem
installationguide (smarttech.com/kb/154546)or SMARTBoard880i5-SMP or885i5-SMP interactive
whiteboardsystem installation guide (smarttech.com/kb/170130)to eliminatemost imagealignment
Theprojectorimage can slip if theprojector is moved often or installed in a locationprone to vibration,
suchas next to a heavy door.Follow these precautions to helpprevent the image frombecoming
lMakesure that the installation wall is plumb and squareand doesn’t moveor vibrate
lMakesure that there areno obstructions behindthe projector’s wall-mountingbracket, and that
thebracket is firmly securedto the wall acc ordingto the installation instructions.
lAdjustthe projected image. Seet heincluded SMARTBoard880i5 and 885i5interactive
whiteboardsystem installation guide (smarttech.com/kb/154546)orS MARTBoard880i5-SMP
or885i5-SMPinteractive w hiteboardsystem installation guide (smarttech.com/kb/170130)and
Adjustingthe image on page22.
Resolvingaudio issuesTheprojectordoesn’t have integratedspeakers, but you can connect an audiosy stem to the audio
outputconnector in the projector’sconnection panel.I f no soundis comingf romyour audio system,
performthe followingprocedure.
gTo resolveaudio issues
1. Ensurethat the speakers’ oraudio system’s cablesare properlyc onnectedto the audio output
plugon the projector’sconnection panel.
2. Pressthe Mute button onthe projector’s remotecontrol, andif Audio Mute is on,turn it off.
3. Checkthe ECP ’s volume knobor use the projector’s remotecontrol to ensure that the volume
isn’tat the lowest setting.
4. Ensurethat yours peakeror audiosystem is on andthat the volume is turnedup.
5. Checkthat y oursource input, such as your computer orv ideodevice, isn’t malfunctioning.
Ensurethat its audio output is on and that the volumeisn’t set to the lowest position.
Youmust display the source input’s video to play its audio throughthe connected speakers
oraudio system.
6. Ift heprevious steps don’t resolve the issue, contact your authorizedSMAR T reseller.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system