Usable cassettes and | ИÒÔÓθÁÛÂÏ˚ ͇ÒÒÂÚ˚ Ë |
playback modes | ÂÊËÏ˚ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËя |
When you play back
Copyright signal
When playing back
Using any other video camera recorder, you cannot record on a tape that has recorded a copyright control signals for copyright protection of software which is played back in this camcorder.
С˄̇Π‡‚ÚÓÒÍÓ„Ó Ô‡‚‡
Audio mode | З‚ÛÍÓ‚ÓÈ ÂÊËÏ |
in stereo 1, and the new sound in stereo 2 in | ·˚Ú¸ Á‡ÔËÒ‡Ì ‚ ÒÚÂÂÓÂÊËÏ 1, ‡ ÌÓ‚˚È Á‚ÛÍ |
32 kHz. The balance between stereo 1 and stereo | ‚ ÒÚÂÂÓÂÊËÏ 2 ̇ 32 ÍГˆ. Б‡Î‡ÌÒ ÏÂÊ‰Û |
2 can be adjusted by selecting AUDIO MIX in the | ÒÚÂÂÓÁ‚Û˜‡ÌËÂÏ 1 Ë ÒÚÂÂÓÁ‚Û˜‡ÌËÂÏ 2 |
menu system during playback. Both sounds can | ÏÓÊÂÚ ·˚Ú¸ ÓÚ„ÛÎËÓ‚‡Ì ÔÛÚÂÏ ‚˚·Ó‡ |
be played back. | ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË AUDIO MIX ‚ ÒËÒÚÂÏ ÏÂÌ˛ ‚Ó |
‚ÂÏя ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËя. О·‡ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËя ÏÓ„ÛÚ | |
but the original sound can be recorded in high | ·˚Ú¸ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌ˚. |
quality. Moreover, it can also play back sound | |
recorded in 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. When | ·˚Ú¸ Á‡ÔËÒ‡Ì, ÌÓ ËÒıÓ‰Ì˚È Á‚ÛÍ ÏÓÊÂÚ ·˚Ú¸ |
playing back a tape recorded in the | Á‡ÔËÒ‡Ì Ò ‚˚ÒÓÍËÏ Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ. КÓ ‚ÒÂÏÛ, |
16BIT indicator appears on the LCD screen or in | ‚ˉÂÓ͇χ ÏÓÊÂÚ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸ Á‚ÛÍ, |
the viewfinder. | Á‡ÔËÒ‡ÌÌ˚È Ì‡ 32 ÍГˆ, 44,1 ÍГˆ ËÎË 48 ÍГˆ. |
| |
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| ‚ˉÓËÒ͇ÚÂÎÂ. |
χˆËяËÌÙÓ ДÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ̇я information Additional