Cancelemphasized printing
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <E SC> “F” | 27 70 | IB 46 |
Cancels emphasized printing.
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <E SC> “G” | 27 71 | IB 47 |
Causes subsequent characters to be printed in double- strike mode with a slight horizontal motion in between, causing a thickening of vertical strokes.
For bold print, use of
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <E SC> “H” | 27 72 | IB 48 |
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <E SC> | 27 45 n | IB 2D n |
Causes subsequent characters to be underlined when n is 1, and cancels underlining when n is O. Block graph- ics characters and spaces skipped by horizontal tabula- tion are not underlined.