Slinespacing to n/60 inch or n/72 inch
MODE ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “A” n27 65 nIB 41 n
In Standard mode, sets the distance the paper advances
or reverses in subsequent line feeds to n/60inch, where
nis between Oand 255. If n=O,the line spacing is set to
In IBM mode, this command defines the distance the
paper advances or reverses in subsequent line feeds to
n/72 inch, where nis between 1and 85. The new line
spacing does not take effect until the next <ESC> “2”
ExecutecESC> “A”
MODE ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “2“ 27 50 IB 32
Sets the line spacing to the value defined by the last pre-
ceding <ESC> “A” command. Sets the line spacing to
1/6inch if there is no preceding <ESC> “A” command.
MODE ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <:F> 10 OA
Prints the current line and advances the paper to the
next line. The line spacing is set by one of the com-
mands listed previously.