Delete last charactersent
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Std. | <DEL> | 127 | 7F |
Deletes the last character received. Ignored if the last character received has already been printed, or if the last character received was part of a command.
Cancellast line
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <CAN> | 24 | 18 |
Deletes the last line currently in the print buffer.
Set printer
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Std. | <DC3> | 19 | 13 |
IBM | <ESC> “Q” “$“ | 27 81 36 | IB 51 24 |
Sets the printer
Set printer
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <3C 1> | 17 | 11 |
Puts the printer back
-keY on the control Panel.