Hexadecimal dump | A printout of all character codes |
| and control codes as they are |
| received by the printer, along |
| with their hexadecimal (base 16) |
| values. |
IBM mode | Mode in which the printer emu- |
| lates an IBM Proprinter X24E. |
IBM compatible | A personal computer that can |
| run the same system and appli- |
| cations software as an IBM PC. |
IBM PC | Personal computer made by IBM |
| capable of running |
| Windows system software. See |
| also IBM compatible. |
IBM Proprinter X24E Dot matrix printer which the | |
| |
| can emulate. |
Icon | |
| Macintosh which represents a |
| program or document. You can |
| |
| the program or open the docu- |
| ment. |
Interface | Physical link between the printer |
| and the computer. |
International | Variant of the Standard character |
character set | set containing characters for a |
| particular country or region. |
Landscape | Landscape mode is when a docu- |
| ment is printed on paper with the |
| longest sides of the paper at the |
| top and bottom. |