Perform one n/180-inch reverseline feed
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Std. | <ESC> “j “ n | 27 106 n | IB 6A n |
Feeds the paper once by n/180 inches in the reverse direction, where n is between O and 255. If n = O, the
Set page length ton lines
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both | <ESC> “C” n | 27 67 n | IB 43 n |
Sets the page length to n lines at the current line spac- ing, where n is between 1 and 127.
Changing the line spacing later does not alter the physi- cal page length. The current line becomes the first line of a new page.
Set page length ton inches
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Both’ | <ESC> “C” <O> n | 27 67 0 n IB 43 00 n |
Sets the page length to n inches, where n is between 1 and 32 in Standard mode or between 1 and 64 in IBM mode. The current line becomes the first line of a new page.
Set top of page at currentposition
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
IBM | <Esc> “4” | 27 52 | IB 34 |
Sets the current position as the