Selectinternational characterset
MODEASCIIDecimal Hexadecimal
Std. | <E SC) “R” n | 27 82 n | 1B 52 r] |
Selects an international character set according to the value of n.
n | Characterset | n | Characterset |
o | U.S.A | 8 | Japan |
1 | France | 9 | Norway |
2 | Germany | 10 | Denmark II |
3 | England | 11 | Spain II |
4 | Denmark I | 12 | Latin America |
5 | Sweden | 13 | Korea |
6 | Italy | 14 | Irish |
7 | Spain I | 64 | Legal |
Any one of the first eight of these character sets (from U.S.A. to Spain I) can be selected as the
International character set variations are shown on page 156 of the Appendix.
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