Parking paper
If you want to use single sheets, but do not want to remove the fanfold paper, you can “park” the fanfold paper.
Tear off the paper at a perforation, so that not more than half a page protrudes above the paper delivery selector (if necessary, put the printer in
=keY until a Perforation iSjust visible above the paper delivery selector).
Make sure that the printer is in ready mode and that the release lever is forward. Press the
●Push the release lever backwards. Now you can load and print on single sheets.
When you want to resume using fanfold paper, you can “unpark” it as described in the following section.
Unparking paper
To resume using fanfold paper, you can “unpark” the fanfold paper as follows:
Remove all single sheets from the printer.
Pull the release lever forward.
Press the
fanfold paper back into position, ready for printing.
Note: Youcanalwaysunparkpaper,whethertheprinterisin “ready