Table 7-1
Horizontal tab commands
Function Mode Control code
Advance to next tab position STAR CHR$(9)
Set tabs at nl, n2, etc. STAR < ESC > “D” CHR$(nl)
CHR$(n2). . .CHRS(O)
IBM < ESC > “D” CHR$(nl)
One-time tab of n spaces STAR < ESC> “b” CHRS(n)
IBM <ESC > “b” CHR$(n)
Note: If your computer does not support lowercase characters, use
CHR$(98) for “b.”
SETTING LEFT AND RIGHT MARGINS SD-lo/ 15’s left and right margins work just like a typewriter-once they are set all the printing is done between them. The commands to set the margins are given in the following table:
Table 7-2
Left and right margin commands
Function Mode Control code
Set left margin at column n STAR < ESC > “M”CHR$(n)
IBM < ESC > “1” CHR$(n)
Set right margin at column n STAR < ESC > “Q” CHR$(n)
IBM < ESC > “Q” CHR$(n)
Note: If your computer does not support lowercase characters, use
CHR$( 108) for “1”.
Try setting SD-10/l 5’s margins with this program for STAR mode:
18 'Demo margins.
20 GOSUB 70
30 LPRINT CHR$(27) "M" CHR$(lQ)) ; ‘Left margin = 10.
40 LPRINT CHR$(27) "Q" CHR$(70) ; 'Right margin = 70.
50 GOSLJB 70
60 END
70 FOR I = 1 TO 80
80 LPRINT "X" ;