Subjects covered in this chapter include:
l SD-10/15’s bit image graphics capabilities
l Printing a pre-defined shape
l Plotting a calculated shape
l High resolution graphics
In Chapter 9 you were introduced to a form of computer
graphics; you were able to actually define characters dot by dot.
In this chapter you’ll learn to use the same principles to make
SD- 1 O/ 15 print whole pages of dot graphics! We’ll show you how
to use dot graphics to create “super download characters.” In
addition, you’ll see how your SD-lo/l5 printer can be used as
a graphic plotter. This can have some practical business appli-
cations as well as create some terrific computer art!
A good understanding of dot graphics requires an under-
standing of how dot matrix printers work; you may want to review
the first few pages of Chapter 9. The principles for dot graphics
are the same as those for download characters.
There are some differences in the way they are implemented
however. While download commands can be used to define a
character between four and eleven columns of dots wide, dot
graphics commands can be used to define a shape as narrow as
one column of dots wide or as wide as 3264 dots on an SD-15!
There is no “descender data” with dot graphics; graphics images
are always printed with the same seven or eight pins of the print
head, depending on whether you have a 7-bit or 8-bit interface