at a time. The variable A$ is used to build a string of all the columns of BIT% in a given row.
As you can see, by taking the program in small pieces and analyzing it, graphics programming does not have to be difficult. If you want to try some other plots, try these (replace lines after 600 with the lines below). The printouts from each program are shown below the listing.
610 | 'Subroutine to plot a star. | - |
| ||
620 | ' |
630 | RAD = 9 |
640 | FOR ANG% = 0 TO 360 STEP 45 |
650 | RANG = ANG% ;k3.14159 / 180 |
660 | RANG2 = (ANG% + 135) ;k3.14159 / 180 |
670 | Xl = RAD * COS(RANG) + 10 |
680 | Yl = RAD * SIN(RANG) + 10 |
690 | X2 = RAD ;';COS(RANG2) + 10 |
700 | Y2 = RAD 9~SIN(RANG2) + lq |
710 | GOSUB 270 |
720 | NEXT ANG% |
730 | RETURN |
610'Subroutine to plot a sine wave.
630xl = 0 : Yl = 10 : x2 = 20 : Y2 = 10
640GOSUB 270
650Xl = 10 : Yl = 0 : X2 = 10 : Y2 = 20
660GOSUB 270
670Xl = 0 : Yl = 10
680FOR X2 = 0 TO 24)STEP .2
690Y2 = 10 - 9 * SIN(3.14159 s:X2 / 10) : GOSUB 270
700NEXT X2