10 'Demo italic and roman.
20 LPRINT CHR$(27) "4" ; 'Italic on.
30 LPRINT "This line is in ITALIC characters."
40 LPRINT CHRS(27) "5" ; 'Italic off.
50 LPRINT "This line is in ROMAN (normal) characters."
Here is what you should get:
This program is easy; line 20 turns italic on with < ESC > “4”, and line 40 turns it off with < ESC > “5”.
Not only can SD- lo/ 15 print all styles of printing in both roman and italic, but it can underline them too. The control codes are shown in Table
| Table |
| |
| Underline commands |
| |
Function | Mode | Control | code |
UnderlineON | STAR | <ESC> | 1 | |
| IBM | <ESC> | 1 | |
UnderlineOFF | STAR | <ESC> |
| |
I | 1 IBM | 1 <ESC> | 0 | |
Again, that’s simple. Let’s try it with this program:
10 'Demo underlining.
241LPRINT CHR$(27)
40 LPRINT CHR$(27)
It should come out like this:
.‘I”his. phrac.e is LINDEALINED; this is not.
In this program underline is turned on in line 20 with < ESC >
“_ 93 CHR$(l), and then off in line 40 with < ESC > “ - ” CHR$(O). There’s a new little wrinkle in this program, though. It all printed on one line. The semicolons at the end of the first three lines told BASIC that those lines were to be contin-