m Block graphics characters and special symbols
Besides the upper and lower case letters and symbols that we are by now familiar with,
10 'Demo all block graphic characters.
24)WIDTH "LPT1:",255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27) "D" CHR$(lQ)) CHR$(20) ;
40 LPRINT CHR$(30) CHR$(40) CHR$(5@) CHRS(60) ; 59)LPRINT CHR$(7Q)) CHR$(Q)) ; 'Set tabs.
60 FOR J = 160 TO 255 STEP 8
70 FOR I = J TO J + 7
80 LPRINT I I'=" ;
98 LPRINT CHR$(I) ; 'Send graphic char.
100 LPRINT CHR$(9) ; 'Tab.
Figure 8-l shows what this program will print. If your chart doesn’t look like this because it has regular letters and numbers instead of the special symbols, then your computer is only using seven bits. You can get the correct printout by adding these lines:
85 LPRINT CHR$(27) ">'I ; 'Turn on 8th bit. 95 LPRINT CHR$(27) "=" ; 'Turn off 8th bit.
The special characters for IBM mode are included in two character sets. The character set you normally use is called character set #l. The special characters are printed out when you send ASCII codes
You can also specify the