Initial Startup
Before operating the granulator, make sure that all of the electrical, mechanical, and lubrication requirements have been completed in accordance with the installation instructions in Section 3. Proper adjustments and set- tings are made prior to shipment, however the machine may require readjustment. For knife gap settings refer to Section 4, Settings and Adjustments.
If the machine is being started for the first time or if it has been moved to a new location, perform the following check to ensure a safe startup.
TURN OFF AND LOCKOUT the power per OSHA 1910.147 OR ANSI
If it is not possible to lock out the power, have an electrician remove the fuses.
Make sure the rotor has come to a complete stop.
The hydraulic cylinders or jackscrews, which open the machine, should not operate until the rotor is completely stopped. If you discover that the hydraulic cylinders or jackscrews DO operate while the rotor is still turning, immediately shut down the machine and call for maintenance to adjust it.
Remove the drive guard cover by removing the fasteners with a socket wrench, then, remove the cover.
Turn the rotor sheave until the rotor knives have made one full revolution.
If there are interferences, correct them before proceeding to the next step.
Replace the drive guard.